Monday, December 7, 2020

Fun in The United States of America (USA)

Fun in The United States of America (USA)
Fun in The United States of America (USA)

Hotel at the Paris hotel, it's so pretty it's just right across from Caesars and like pretty much near everything so we're about to go get some food go to revolve buy some clothes to wear tonight and then come back get ready for the night. We're actually going to see a strip-search night which is going to be so funny it's the what is it called again comes with Chippendales so we got VIP tickets for that which is just so funny, so we're ready to go out that was a bit of a rush we had to rush get dinner try and find it. After the night that revolves but didn't work out, I warrant the other day but I didn't post anything in it I have white shoes. Very excited for the first hour in Vegas it looks very pretty outside.

Another Day, everyone we went out last night we want to get his whole plugin I was just being Hungover we had such a fun night though like oh my god is tripping right sorry Bobby it's nearly 12:00 at night we just went back to Chippendales show really fun we got free tickets to go again tonight so we just went. I'm gonna spending for Olivia but we're going to a club called excess tonight so deploys planes that will be fine whoa we love Vegas we're already saying like we're in LA we're like we don't really valet an hour in Vegas.

Hey everyone we've made it to New York we just got ready as you can say with my massive coat from Nasty Gal. There's been really sad news that Kobe Bryant has died so everyone's a bit depressed obviously because he was like one of the best basketball players in the entire world and we're about to go to a basketball game it will be interesting to see like the vibes of the game but it's not something else from going because we still really want to go.

In New York we're about to head out we miss breakfast because we all sucked into 11 the story of this whole trip but we're gonna go get breakfast somewhere but I really know what good we're going to type it up a little anyway, escaped one can't wait, so it's later on the night now we had a nap and we just got pizza. The pizza over here is so big oh my god what the hell this deal. Then we're heading to Madame Tussauds which is like the statue of figure wax museum of all celebrities and after that, we're going to Jimmy Fallon which I'm so excited about we've got to get to yesterday so you had she's got a waitlist and then they're free tickets so it's going to be so fun on the CBS actually really small okay sandwich they got soup on our way to NBC. 

Going to Central Park today we just got ready for the day and we're heading that fuss and then we're doing up Eastside to go and see all the clothes of girls stuff which is going to be so exciting what else Central Park. We made it to Grandpa we also have you because it's a scenic coastal fell but you know it's our pretty.

We went to the rooftop and then we will be going to Maki Maki Club so I tried to like it and I remember. The trip has ended. New York City has been fun, best trip we have never never never lost a bunch of my entire life literally we haven't. We meant the best people as well I've met so many nice people. I would say I'm gonna be friends forever but lots of don't really thank.

I'm what I think I'm about to cry that's really like we've had a really good time we did everything we just said we were gonna not do, we've had the security of our lives we just played a game of bowling no it's not bowling we went after dinner I spam you. Leave her to go everywhere and top of the wait is he wet his head all over my dad so much we've learned a lot of wait Tyler this trip Bonnie.

I've lived I've been with me my whole life and the number of things like figure out that she does that I didn't know it's a bit okay let's wrap it up. We have a 24 hour travel day, which hasn't risen normally long. Gory Bob we've literally had the best trip like I would do this trip I guess very much so much fun.

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